Really, I have not posted these until I was half way over this... Why do these things always happen on new carpet???
Katie Todd--I am blaming all of this on you!!!!!!!!!! :-)
The pics really do not due this justice, because little pieces were all through the carpet. And, when you read this, you need to have a poopy diaper on your lap.
Laurie W., you should have a few of these to sniff while reading... lol...
The one pic that does need some explanation, is the one that has clothes in the heat/air vent... Yah, he put the poop down in the vent and then covered it up with dirty clothes from the laundry basket. (hopefully this creativity takes him other places in life)
I received many jewels in my crown that day, because he is still breathing air! :-)
My sister-in-law, who lives 2 doors down took Luca to her house so I could start cleaning. About ten minutes later a friend of mine shows up to help clean the mess up. Thanks Shannon and Erin--you are life savers! We did get it all up with no remaining stains. I am still going to call the carpet cleaner guy this week.
Katie Todd--I can hear you laughing all the way from Ossian!!!!!!!!!!
yuck and pee.eww....and that just stinks!!!!!
You're right Becky...I'm laughing out loud!! All I can say is it's time for the DUCT TAPE!!! It really does the me, I used it for months on Emily! :)
Oh my! Here I was feeling sorry for myself with 2 new busy toddlers, but I have not YET experienced this, and hope I never will!! That boy truly IS earning you some bigtime jewels!! :)
Thanks for the laugh!
. .. .but he is so stinkin' cute!! (no pun intended)!!!!!
Who knew that Luca was part hippo? Is that poo slingin thing from Ryan's side of the family or yours?
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