Yep, I am a mean, mean mommy once again... Luca is cutting his top 2 year old molars, and has had some nasty diapers. Usually he will tell me, and he will go on the potty. But, if he goes during or after a nap, in his room, I don't know about it.
Well, 2 days ago he pooped after a nap, and tried to get his pull-up off by himself. In the process, he put some 'pretty' butt prints on the carpet. I did not get mad, but told him that he needed to keep it on and tell me that he is poopy. (I have his door locked from the outside, so he can not get out without my knowledge.)
Well, yesterday I went to get him and I could smell something fowl... It was not quite the 'art show' like the first episode, but it was very intentional. The grate was off and deposits were made in the vent... Poop was smeared on the carpet, and he was saying, "Mommy, wook, I got poopy in my diapa..."
Oh, I was not a happy momma!!! He said, "No spankin' my bootie!" Well, I did spank his booty once, but refrained from 'killing' him.
I put him in the tub and had Micah go to the kitchen to get baking powder, to scrub him with. I was thinking, "Okay, what can I do to him, that does not hurt him, but imprints his memory NEVER to do this again???"
Ha, I had a great plan!!! I told him that only really cold water would get the poop and smell off of him, so I washed him off with the water all the way "COLD"! You would have thought that he was being murdered... I did feel somewhat bad, but I washed his entire body and head with ice cold water. Like so cold that my hands were freezing by the end...
We did give him a warm bath after he was all clean. Needless to say, I don't think that he will be taking any poopy diapers off in the near future... :-)
This morning I went into his room when I heard him, and he had stripped to his diaper, but kept it on. He told me that he was poopy, but no 'cold water'! Yeah... he is learning...
Sorry, no pics... He was screaming too much, and I do have some compassion... lol...
18 hours ago
Love it!! And you know I feel your pain on the poop smeared all over stuff! Sounds like Luca and Emily are a lot alike!
I'm so sorry that this child is driving you mad but remember that "water boarding" has been banned.
that is a GREAT idea!!! And he already remembered- so yes, it worked! Way to think fast!
Hi Rebekah, I stumbled across your blog while looking at others. You do not know me, but I want to say that you look and seems like a BEAUTIFUL family. While I see nothing wrong with what you did, I know others would not share in our ideals for child training. Out of love for you, my first thought is that I would not post this blog because there are some (some never having kids) that would not have the sense to understand your consequence. Just my 2 cents to help you.
Dear Anyonymous-
Thank you for your concern! I hope you know that my Aunt Phyl (comment above) was totally joking about the water boarding!!! I never dumped the cold water into his mouth and at no time was he ever in any danger. My husband questioned me posting this, but in no way was he ever in any harm.
I did spank him once, but it never left any marks, nor would I ever hurt him.
I am okay with the post still, because to me, it is a creative, lasting, but not hurting consequence to his behavior. If you read through my blog, this is a child that is into EVERYTHING!!!!!! He learns by real life experiences and not by time outs--even though he gets them---they are more for me!
I struggle sometimes to figure out how to teach him best. I have to be very creative with him. I know that he is only 2 1/2, but he does know better--he is VERY SMART.
I thank you for your concern, and comments, and it has made me think about my choices in parenting.
So, here is my analysis:
If CPS came to my door and questioned my parenting, or this situation, I would be totally confident in my choices of discipline. I would not be afraid to tell them that my children get spanked once in a while, because I never spank to hurt. (Actually, I don't spank much because I don't really know how effective it is. I do almost entirely time outs privelages (sp?) taken away. With Luca, I do need to be more creative to make a lasting impression--like leaving food on him for a few minutes, or washing him with cold water, etc...
I am self confident in my parenting skills, and I am totally open to people questioning my thoughts or giving alternative solutions!!!!
There is a saying that goes: "It takes a village to raise a child."
That statement could not be truer than with Luca.
Once again, I am not offended by your comments and I welcome any thoughts...
I think you are a genius!! What a great way to get him to remember. I wouldn't worry about the mental scars. Reed and I surf in the Pacific Ocean and watch parents wash the sand off of their kids all the time. The kids scream bloody murder, and everyone feels kind of bad for them, but what are ya gonna do?
I don't recall anyone pleading insanity for serial killing because their Mom washed them in cold water.
As far as the disapproving comment, I get those all the time. And guess what, they are ALWAYS anonymous. The day I'll take it with more than a grain of salt is the day I see a name.
You NEVER need to defend your parenting. All a person has to do is take one look at your happy, well adjusted, thriving children to know you are Mom of the year!
I'll be pleased if I am able to be HALF the mom you are!
Al-- are too sweet! I am sure that you will be so creative in parenting!!!! You will just have to get beyond those big brown lion eyes staring back at you with tears in them!!! lol...
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