Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Tomorrow at 9:30, Jonas and I will be heading to Lutheran Hospital for his MRI.  The MRI will be with and without contrast, and will be focusing on his brain and orbits. I would appreciate your prayers!!!!!!  He has to be NPO after 7am, and my boy LOVES HIS BOTTLES!!!  The sedation will start at 11am:  4 hours without food... :-(

I am very interested into what the MRI will show, and uncover, about his blindness and possible CP.  I will do a big update tomorrow night.  For now, I will leave you with a few new pics...  

He fell asleep in his highchair after a busy day of swimming at the PT's house.


-kate- said...

I will be praying for a smooth time for Jonas! I know that can be hard for little ones! Let's hope somehow it is a breeze! Hugs!!!

Stephanie said...

Oh, so sweet!!