Sunday, May 10, 2009


I hope all of you out there had a fabulous Mother's Day today! I had a great day, and next year will be even sweeter when all 5 of my children are under one roof...

I wanted to share with you a Mother's Day note that Hannah brailled for me at school. It was from her journal entry at school... I am spelling and copying everything down exactly how she wrote it. It is so cute and so precious to read it from her thoughts...
Hannah Hubley

May 8, 2009

Biography About My Mother

My mom is one of the nicest people. She is a chocoate fn just like me. She has special tiem just with me. Sometime she takes one of my young brothers. Sometimes we go all as one entire family. Other people take us places and have fun with us.

We have lots and lots of fun. My mom misses me sometimes. she fodagraffs weding at other places. She teaches fertografy. She goes our of town to places. My dad or one of the baby sitters is there. I give my mom lots of hugs and lots of kisses and lots of love.

One thing about her is that she loves me too. she gives me lots of hugs and kisses.

I love that note, and will cherish it forever!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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