Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I am still alive...

For those of you left out there that still check in on this blog: we are still alive and have not gone to china yet. We moved and I am trying to keep my head above water. I will get pics up soon. We are loving the house, neighbors, and the NE side of the city. We are just waiting to hear from China on our visa date and then we will get our plane tickets and head over. We can't wait, but I am so glad that we moved prior to bringing Angelina here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Day by day I am getting more things unpacked... Luca has introduced himself to the neighborhood in big ways... When I have more time, I will tell the stories. Lets just say that they involve, in no particular order, fire, cars, and jay walking... ahhhhh... this boy is going to give me gray hair!!!!!!!! :-) Until later... Thanks for being faithful and I will be back soon... Off to unpack more boxes...


Leah said...

I was thinking you were in China this whole time! Glad to hear about your move, and that it's going well.

Anonymous said...

not done yet?! :) i miss your crazy psycho children! but there are plenty of them here too, just to a lesser degree.
emily v.