Disclaimer... This is probably not what they were looking for, for the contest... but, this is what Matilda Jane Clothing means to me... (If you don't like conceptual ideas, this will not be your thing... :-) It was fun creating in my mind what I wanted to do, and then completing it... I wish I would have had my new camera last week... but oh well.. (The 10 finalists have been chosen and I can't wait to see all of the different ideas!!!) I am hoping they put them up tonight...
Matilda Jane Clothing means a lot to me in a different sort of way. The clothes are amazing, the designer is amazing; but it is something different. Hannah is stared at all of the time when we are out in public. Not in a mean way, just I think more out of curiosity, since it is not every day that you see a 9-year-old girl with a cane. When Hannah is dressed in her MJC, even if it is just for a few seconds, people look at her clothes first. Then they notice that she is blind. Hannah doesn’t know that they are staring and she could really care less. But for me, as her mom, it gives me a brief respite from the stares and questions. I honestly don’t see her as blind, I see her as Hannah. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your amazing designs and funky clothes!!! Hannah loves wearing her MJC because she gets so many compliments. I love MJC because we can blend in for a brief time. Sincerely, Rebekah Hubley—Mom to an AMAZING girl!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please Don't Stare...
She cannot see you staring, but I can...
Have you never been taught that staring is rude???
No you were not; your mom is staring too...
When you stand and stare...
It makes me feel as if there is something wrong with her...
She is my flesh and blood...
She is a little girl, just like your little girl...
She is blind, not deaf...
When you want to know something, ask her...
She has no shame in being blind, nor should she...
When you are talking about her, she can hear you...
Her hearing is acute...
When you say comments like...
"Oh, isn't she cute, they even cut her hair in a wedge..."
Why wouldn't we???
She is a little girl...
Please treat her with the respect that she deserves...
Someday when she is making well over six figures...
You might be saying,
"I wish I would have gotten to know her...
Instead of just staring at her..."
She has feelings...
She has likes and dislikes...
She is crazy gifted in music...
She has a memory that I covet...
She has a zeal for life like no other person that I know...
She is the most loyal friend you could ever have...
She will never stare at you...
She will never judge you for your looks, clothes, color of skin, or weight...
She is the real deal...
I understand when you are staring it is out of ignorance...
So let me educate you...
You are staring at MY DAUGHTER...
You are staring at a little girl that did not choose the way she was born...
You are staring at one of the 5 most precious things in my life...
You are staring at a music prodigy...
You are staring at a high honor student...
You are staring at the South Side valedictorian of 2019...
You are staring at a future grad of Juilliard...
You are staring at an actor...
You are staring at an author...
You are staring at Hannah....
I understand a look, her blindness is unique...
She is just a little girl, just like yours...
She cannot see you staring, BUT I CAN...
The last page we included a page that we brailled, "Matilda Jane Rocks!!!" Love-Hannah
and then I ink printed above it...
So, there you have it... my entry... :-)